League Details


How It Works


Seasons run for a set number of weeks.  Once a week, your team will play against another team.  The total points and goals that you and your team earn will be tracked in the standings.  You and your team will earn prizes for having the most league points at the end of the regular season.  Earn prizes and become League Champions!


Matches will follow the same format.  Play through a series of games, earning league points for each win.  The team with the most league points at the end of the season wins and becomes the League Champions!  


All games will follow the ITSF Official Rules, unless otherwise posted in the League Rules.  For the ITSF Official Rules, please follow the link below.

League Games

The following League Games are designed to teach you to defend, pass, and shoot.

Learn to Shoot

Forward Shootout

Just like a hockey or soccer shootout, players take turns shooting on goal and defending in a series of shots to determine a winner.

LEarn to Defend

Goalie Wars

Use rod locks to hold the middle four rods up.  Each player uses only the rods in the goalie position to shoot at each other.  

Learn to Pass

Five-Bar Wars

Players stand in the forward position, and take turns trying to make a pass from the five-bar to their three-bar.

Player Registration

Sign up for the next season before spots run out!